Please read and review the policies listed below. 


Class eligibility is based on age. If a student is registered for a class in which they do not meet the age requirements, a more appropriate class will be recommended. Space is available on a first come, first served basis. If you do not see a class on the schedule that works for you, please email Payment is required in full at time of registration, and is only accepted via credit card at this time. Registration is not complete until payment has been processed. 


Refunds must be requested in writing by emailing The deadline for requesting a refund is by the end of the third week of classes in a session. All refunds are subject to a $15 cancellation fee in addition to fees for any classes that have passed before the date of the written refund request.

Classes and Cancellations

In an effort to be most courteous to Beam & Barre shoppers, please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your designated class time. In order to run for the semester, classes must have a minimum of 5 students registered at least one week before the start date. If this minimum is not reached, best efforts will be made to accommodate students in an alternative class. 

Students may make up one missed class per semester when and if there is space available in an alternative class. If a class is cancelled due to weather, teacher illness, or other unforeseen circumstance, a make up class date and time will be offered. There are no refunds offered if you are unable to attend the make up class date and time. Cancellations and make up dates will be announced via email and on Instagram via Petite Ballet's account

The decision to suspend in person classes and move to a virtual/Zoom platform is entirely at the discretion of Petite Ballet, LLC, and will be made if deemed necessary for the health and well being of students and teachers. 


Any color leotard (with or without skirt) from Beam & Barre, pink tights, proper ballet shoes (please no ballet flats or dress up ballet shoes). If wearing a skirt or tutu, please be mindful of length and fluffiness, which can sometimes hinder movement or be very distracting! Please refrain from wearing any kind of costumes to class, unless otherwise instructed. Hair should be neatly pulled back in a bun or ponytail. 


I hereby release Petite Ballet, LLC from any and all liability and assume any and all risks of participating in the Petite Ballet, LLC program. I accept my responsibility in paying any and all fees and charges. I further acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Petite Ballet, LLC registration policies, all of which are located on I hereby give Petite Ballet, LLC permission to photograph and/or video my child(ren) and consent to the use of material for advertising, marketing and promotional purposes.

Grown Up & Me Classes

Grown ups - be ready to dance! Please note that our Grown Up & Me classes require a caregiver to attend class with the student and to participate. Caregivers should assist students by holding their hands to guide them around the room, sitting on the floor with them, and assisting them to make shapes with their bodies and feet! Please wear any type of clothing you would be comfortable moving in. 

Additional Summer Policies

Refunds for Summer Camps can be requested in writing by emailing The deadline for requesting a refund for Summer Camps is one week before the camp begins. Camp refunds are subject to a $10 cancellation fee. Camps must have at least 5 dancers registered at least one week before the start date to run.

Refunds for Summer Classes can be requested in writing by emailing The deadline for requesting a refund for summer session classes is by the end of the first week of classes, and refund requests are subject to a $5 cancellation fee. Classes must have at least 4 dancers registered at least one week before the start date to run. 

There are NO refunds for drop in classes.